Introducing the Amazing Cadillac WTF Concept Car

The Cadillac WTF, or “World Thorium Fuel,” is a concept car design from Cadillac. It was designed by Loren Kulesus, and the car is powered by clean Thorium fuel and comes with 100 years of maintenance-free service.

Every major system is redundant in case of failure in order to increase the longevity of the vehicle. Each of the four tires on the vehicle are not conventional tires, but a system of six parallel wheels powered by separate induction motors for a total of twenty-four wheels. Kulesus stated, “The vehicle would only require the tires to be adjusted every five years, but no material would need to be added or subtracted.”

The likelihood of this vehicle transitioning from concept to production anytime soon is extremely slim, but we can hope for the future, right? This Caddy is a beaming prospect for the future.


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